Account Management - Credits

Each Keyword Discovery subscription level includes a different number of credits.
For details of what your subscription includes, see the Keyword Discovery Subscription Plans Comparison page.

You can find out how many Search credits you have for the day by clicking the Account link in the top-right of the page.
Your total credits and credit usage are shown under the Dailt Usage Credits heading.

Query Balance Remaining

Once you have used all your credits, you will no longer be able to perform queries using that tool until the next day.

You will be told how many Analyze credits you have remaining for the day, whenever you Analyze a keyword.

Analyze Balance Remaining

Once you have used all your analysis credits, you will no longer be able to fetch Occurrences & KEI for keywords until the next day. However, if the Occurrences & KEI has been fetched by another Keyword Discovery user within the last 90 days, the cached figure will be displayed for that keyword.

NOTE: Your daily credits reset every 24 hours (at midnight Australian EST - GMT +10).

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