Keyword Discovery Top Search Term Reports
Our current database includes:
36 Billion searches
790 Million unique search terms
with a growth of around 5 to 20 million unique search terms per month
How many are relevant to you? Have you found them all?
A Keyword Discovery subscription is a good start. But for heavy users or users that want the lot or those serious about keyword research, for SEO, PPC or Domain Parking we offer portions of our keyword database.
Simply, these reports give an insight into the most popular search terms used by potential customers. The report is based on all the searches collected over the past 12 months and the most popular unique search terms are listed in order of popularity.
There are various report size options:
- top 10,000 most popular keywords
- top 50,000 most popular keywords
- top 100,000 most popular keywords
- top 500,000 most popular keywords
So if you are serious about traffic, niche marketing or domain parking, then the Keyword Discovery Top Search Term Reports are for you.
If you are after more than 500,000 top keywords or would like a monthly service of all new search terms added, then please contact us for a custom quote.
How can a Top Search Term Report help you?
- Quickly identify the most popular and relevant keywords for your website.
- Gain a competitive edge over your competition by targeting those highly popular yet not always obvious keywords.
- Optimize pages to target specific popular keywords, where a single top ranking could generate vast traffic volumes.
- Use the popular keywords together with Keyword Discovery in discovering other related terms that are also of high demand.
- Find potential new niche markets.
- Check popular keyword phrases if respective domain names are available.
Order Now a Keyword Discovery Top Search Term Report.